Saturday, September 18, 2010

What Happened To Me???

Seriously, I would have never let my other two kids help me with real paint on a wall that people would acutally see.  This is definitely a milestone...painting a room (powder room) while my kids are all awake and Scott's not home!

Addie's First Mani Pedi

The day before Addie's first day of preschool she and I went to get our nails done.  I was just going to get her fingers and toes painted but when she saw me slip my feet into the warm water, she kept telling me "They forgot to fill my tub up" and "Where is my water".  So we decided to do the full pedicure.  It was so cute, she was so serious when she was watching the man do her pedicure.  She loved all the lotions and scrubs (she is a product girl! - she gets that from her Aunt Amanda and Donna).  She picked hot pink for her fingers and purple for her toes, and she wore Princess heels to the Nail salon, it was so cute!  We'll have to do that more often!

Choosing her colors.