The Hills Are Alive!!
We arrived in Salzburg around 10:30 Thursday morning. I was so excited to be there. This was definitely the part of the trip where Scott was indulging me and my love of the Sound of Music!!! We took a taxi to our hotel and the taxi driver was the best we’ve ever had. It was like having a little tour on the way there. He pointed out sights and gave us a little history. Who knew the guy who owns Red Bull is from Salzburg and there is a big factory there.
We arrived at our hotel the Hotel Sacher and it is amazing. A big step up from where we’ve been staying. White robes and slipper, turn down service, pillow menu, their signature cake as a welcome present in our room, staff that will do anything for you, etc. I love it! We rest in the room for about an hour then shower and get ready. Scott grabs us some sort-of kebob sandwich tastes like gyro meat on a big round roll with lettuce and tomato. It was really good. The van picks us up and takes us to meet the bus for our SOUND OF MUSIC tour!
Here's me in front of their actual house, it was the backyard in the movie, you could see the little gate where they canoed up and the fell out.
The glass gazebo.
I could just see the kids hanging from these trees in their play clothes made of curtains!!!

Why yes, that is crisp Apple Strudel!
These are both in the gardens where they sing doe-rae-me.
The next day was great and probably the most relaxing of our whole trip. We slept in, ate breakfast, worked out and went out to see more sights. Our hotel was walking distance to all the sights. We saw Mozart's birthplace and where he grew up, and walked all around Old Town, Hohensalzburg Fortress and saw the cathedrals and looked in all the cute shops. We ate dinner at a great German restaurant that I wish I could remember the name of but we had wiener schnitzel and spaetzel which were both really good. And of course, we got a frankfurter from a street vendor. I’m glad that Salzburg is still quaint and not overly built up like I was scared it might be after seeing places like Cannes.
This is Hohensalzburg Fortress that you can see from pretty much anywhere in the city. It's so beautiful perched up there.
There were all these cute houses in Salzburg with cute little yards.
I told Scott once we retire, I’d love to come to a little town like this and rent a house for a month to see what it’s like to live in Europe - I think I've said that about a million locations!
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