Saturday, February 20, 2010

Owen's Trip to Minnesota

Scott had to go out to MN in February for a business trip and took Owen with him. It was his father son trip (he took Parker to the Notre Dame game last fall). It was also a trip to see his best buddy Calvin Baldwin. Carey was so kind and said Owen could stay with them while Scott was at work. Owen had a blast. More than any of the kids, Owen thinks of Minnesota as his home. He really misses it and especially his friends. Scott said he was telling everyone on the way there that "Minnesota is where I growed up".

They left Sunday morning and didn't get home until Friday night. His week consisted of Punch with Scott and then a Timberwolves game. Then to the Baldwins where he stayed Sunday-Wednesday evening. He had the best time there. The Baldwins are like his second family so he of course felt right at home. He and Cal played wii, played in the snow, wrestled, traded cards, and even had a fashion show headed up by Ella. She dressed them up and took a ton of pictures and then made a DVD out of it. It was so cute, she had fixed their hair and told them how to pose and everything. He also got to have playdates with some of his other buddies - Ben Cataldo, Lorelei Wilson, Miles and Collin Pollei and Gretchen Davis. We have such great friends in Minnesota. I'm so thankful for Carey. Not everyone one would be excited to watch your kid for 4 days but she was - she's the best!

On Wednesday evening Scott picked him up and took him to dinner and he spent the night in the hotel with Scott. Our kids LOVE to stay in a hotel. The next morning they went to breakfast and then picked up Cal for an action packed day. The went to lunch, Dave & Busters, a movie and then to the gym to play basketball. Then they met Scott Baldwin at Smashburger for dinner. Scott and Owen spent the night that night with the Baldwins and hung out the next morning before they went to the airport. It was a great trip. On his way to the airport Owen started tearing up and said he was going to be homesick. Scott told him he didn't need to be homesick because all his family was in Ohio and we'd all be together. Owen said but this is my home and I'm going to be homesick when I leave.

A week with one less kid seemed like such a break for me. I tried to spend lots of fun time with Addie. I don't feel like I get a lot of time with just Addie to have fun. We went to the Children's Museum, to a big indoor playground, a movie and to lunch. It was really great to have that time with her. Then on Friday night, I got a babysitter and had a date with Parker. We went bowling, played miniture golf, went for pizza then stopped on the way home and got a movie and stuff for ice cream sundaes. We had so much fun. Parker is growing up and it's sad for me to think he won't always think it's fun to hang out with me. We were walking in the grocery store and he grabbed my hand and it was so great. He rarely reaches to hold my hand anymore - I loved it. Then at the end of the night, he came over and said "I love you Mom". I hope we can do more dates!

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