Parker had his 1st Pinewood Derby last night. He has been so excited about it. Since Scott and I aren't woodworkers, it was nice that one of the men in the ward (Troy Christensen) offered up his tools and help one Saturday afternoon. Parks and Scott cut it out and then spray painted it blue and Scott put the wheels on it. Parker really wanted it to be a BYU car so we ordered some stickers which didn't show up until the day of the race - that was stressful!
We wanted Parker's car to be his so he did all the decorating. It turned out great. He put windows and headlights on it and I think he was really proud of it. Here he is putting the finishing touches on it.
We really tried to prepare Parks for the fact that he would probably come in last place because lots of the Dad's get really into it and are good at building this kind of stuff. Scott has such a great way of making everything funny so Parker was fully prepared to come in last and he didn't seem to mind it because Scott had been joking about it so much. It was funny on the way to the race he was going through everyone in this group saying why they would probably beat him and the reasons were "Adam will probably beat me because his Dad has tools" and "Isaac will probably beat me because his Dad has tools and he knows how to use them." So funny. Here's Parker right before the race.
The competitors!
He came in last in his first race, then second in his second race and FIRST in his third race (and second place in all the rest of the races - they had 6). It was very exciting. He ended up tying for second place in his division. They only had one second place ribbon and since it was a tie he went home with the third place ribbon but I told him I'd get him a second place one.
He came in second!!!
Some of his buddies.
Each boy got an award at the end of the night and there were some pretty random ones but Parker got "Fastest Looking Design" which was cool.
Unfortunately, Scott couldn't be here because he's in Minneapolis all week but Parker told him all about it on the way home. He went to bed last night talking about what his car was going to look like next year - a bear car since he'll be a bear then. Tonight life is great in Parker's world! - and mine.